My name is Julie and I started Hidden Jules Rabbitry IN 2003. It doesnt seem like that long, because its been so
much fun for me, the breeders happliy welcomed me back in the day and everyone (except for a few crazy "wanna
be breeders") have been so helpful and generous to me. I would just like to say Thank you to all of you who have been
there for me.
Alright so currently I breed Holland Lops in a variety of different colors. Tort, Sable Point, Frosty, Orange, Siamese
Sable, Blue, Blue Point, Opal, Blue Tort, Brokens, and any other color that pops up. Since 2012 I am trying to get more
shadeds (sable point, Siamese sable) and frosties.
I also breed Netherland Dwarfs, I breed Sable Point, Siamese Sable, Siamese Smoke Pearl, Tort, Himi, Rew,
Blue Tort, and Broken Shadeds.
In my Dwarf Hotots I only raise the Black Band, but would
love to get my hands on some Blue & Chocolate Bands!!! They are so hard to find in Washington!
I am trying
to change that, I would like to see more people raising this beautiful and rare rabbit!!!